The private coaching program for hardworking women over 35 who want to take control of their haywire hormones so they can regain energy to feel like themselves again.

Let's Get Started

You're a hardworking woman 35 or older who's used to doing it all.

You've worked hard your whole life, accomplished a lot and there's still a LOT you want to do.

You're happiest when you're accomplishing your goals, surrounded by family and friends or on a new adventure.

But, lately (or maybe longer)... don't feel like yourself. You're exhausted all the time.

You struggle with sleep and when you're lucky enough to get it, it's just not enough.

Your energy is so low, you're not having as much fun with your friends or your kids as you want to be.

You feel like you're losing your quick wit. You're forgetting things and struggling to find words.

You're unhappy with your appearance - diets and intense cardio aren't working.

If you're being honest with yourself... feels like nothing works, you don't feel like yourself anymore, you have no control over how you feel and wonder if you ever will again.

There MUST be another way!

And if this worry you won't be able to accomplish all the goals you have for yourself!

Imagine if...

  • you had routines that left you sleeping through the night so you woke up with the energy needed to exercise...
  • you knew when, what and how much to eat to avoid weight gain…
  • you had the energy to enjoy time with your partner, friends or family...
  • you could gain confidence in your body and feel comfortable in your skin & clothes again...

without restrictive dieting and giving up everything you love?


  • Your old routines no longer work for you
  • You've been led to believe there is one way to eat and exercise that works regardless of age and you just haven't mastered it yet
  • Your doctor tells you your labs and symptoms are normal and you just need to deal with it..."well, maybe you could eat better and exercise more" (whatever that means)
  • You've tried counting calories, keto, intermittent fasting and pounding the pavement and didn't get any results
  • You know you need to reduce stress...but you've tried meditating, improved work/life balance and still feel stressed
  • You're not ready to give up, you know there's something missing, you just don't know what it is!

Many women just accept that this is what happens when you get older, I mean, the doctor says "it's normal" when you tell them about your symptoms so I get it. I almost accepted it too. I was beyond frustrated, no one could give me was hard to find a path.

And then, I found it!

Hi, I'm Krissy

I've been where you are, feeling so frustrated with your body and yourself, like you just can't get it together, the fatigue, low energy, brain fog, belly fat and mood swings, "what else can I do to fix it?"

In 2018, I had seen several doctors and realized that they couldn't help me and that I needed to take matters into my own hands.

What I wanted was to take back control of my body. I wanted to ditch the fatigue and regain energy so I could live the life I dreamed of and accomplish my goals.

But nothing I tried helped. After years of seeing doctors, doing research and getting trained as a health coach, I listened to a podcast about perimenopause that helped me put it all together.

I educated myself further, changed my nutrition, eating nutrient dense meals that stabilized my blood sugar and gave me the energy I needed to get through my days.

I prioritized sleep, stress reduction and more strength training.

I did functional lab testing and discovered I was dealing with gut dysbiosis, opportunistic bacteria and mineral deficiencies.

I followed a protocol that led to less fatigue, more energy and the ability to regain control of how I felt.

I was struggling for so long and once I understood that I needed to change my lifestyle to support my stage of life AND could address my specific issues with data from lab testing, I wanted to help other women do the same!

Today, I'm an Integrative Functional Health Practitioner and Coach helping hardworking women over 35 take control of their haywire hormones during perimenopause so they can regain energy to feel like themselves again.


There are so many programs out there for women, however most programs are not designed for women in this stage of life, perimenopause. They can be very generic and not take into account the many considerations when working with women with declining hormones.

My program is designed to educate you on what is happening in your body during this time of transition and the lifestyle changes you can make to support it.

You also have the option to include functional lab testing so we can understand what is going on in YOUR body with YOUR gut, hormones and minerals so we can customize a plan based on actual data (instead of guessing). This could be the piece that has been missing for you!


  • I've been where you are- working full-time, advancing my corporate career but struggling with fatigue, low energy, brain fog, anxiety, mood issues and....that changed!
  • I've since been trained to look at health holistically so I can help you address all aspects of your life
  • My corporate experience makes me a data driven person. I'm trained in functional lab testing so we can see what's going on in YOUR body to specifically address your needs
  • I was born pragmatic and am a natural problem solver so I will work with you to implement the changes you need in a way that works for you
  • I genuinely care about how you feel and want to see you get results!


When you enroll in the Hormone Harmony Method, after your initial intake, you'll gain access to educational modules that will teach you what is going on in your body during this time of transition and what steps you should make to improve how you feel.

STEP 1: Adopting a Growth Mindset & Making Space for Transformation

In weeks 1 & 2, we'll talk about the mindset and boundaries needed to achieve your goals on your healing journey. Mastering these topics right off the bat will help set you up for success in the program and beyond!

STEP 2: Supporting your body with Stress

In weeks 3 & 4, you'll learn how stress impacts your hormones, common stressors, including toxins, and tools to support your body with stress.

STEP 3: Nourishing Yourself with Nutrients

In weeks 5 & 6, you'll learn how to eat to support your body. This is not a diet, you will learn about nutrients, blood sugar and hydrating your body in a way that is satisfying and supports your hormones!

STEP 4: Understanding What's going on with your Hormones

In weeks 7 & 8, we'll cover hormone basics, what you need to know about your sex hormones, perimenopause, your cycle and how to optimize the normal fluctuations of your hormones.

STEP 5: Sleeping yourself Well

In weeks 9 & 10, we'll get you sleeping well again! You'll understand the natural rhythms of your body and tools to get your sleep back on track.

STEP 6: Moving for Longevity

In weeks 11 & 12, we will talk about exercise. You'll learn how to move your body to support your hormones and help you age well.

Essentials Plus: If you upgrade your package will include 3 functional labs (GI Map, DUTCH Complete and HTMA) to uncover what's going on in YOUR body.

When your lab results are available, we'll thoroughly review and develop a customized plan to support YOU, making adjustments along the way, as needed.

What people are saying...

"Krissy was great at helping me consider my health holistically, and what goals to prioritize, so that it was not an overwhelming process. She helped me to set achievable goals with support on not only the "what" to stay accountable to, but also the "how" to approach my goals (including mindset shifts needed along the way)."

"Since completing the program with Krissy, I have noticed a very positive shift in my attitude, energy, confidence, and general happiness (and my family has noticed too!)."

"Krissy helped me with goals around healthier eating and better sleeping habits all of which contribute to having the energy and motivation to prioritize exercise!"

"I went into the program wanting to focus on tactical ways to improve my eating and exercise habits. I definitely have improved in these areas, and we addressed so much more that is all connected to my overall health including stress management, improving my relationships, sleeping, food, and physical activities".

The Hormone Harmony Method is a 3 or 6 month, high-touch, private coaching program that gives you 1:1 support and accountability to take control of your hormones so you can ditch fatigue, regain energy and feel like yourself again!


Get the education and 1 on 1 coaching you need to make the necessary lifestyle changes to support you through the perimenopause/menopause transition.

  • 1x 45 minute intake and introductory session* to get to know you, understand your goals and put you on a path to success
  • 6x 30 minute bi-weekly coaching calls*
  • 1x 30 minute breath coaching session*
  • 6 recorded educational modules
  • Worksheets and handouts to compliment the educational modules and support you in adjusting your lifestyle
  • Email support between sessions in case you get stuck
  • Weekly accountability check-ins
  • Ongoing access to all materials
  • 3 functional lab tests: GI-MAP stool test, HTMA minerals test, DUTCH Complete hormone test
  • 1x 90 minute results session
  • 1x additional 30 minute coaching call

*all sessions to be completed within 4 months

Essentials Plus

Get the education, 1 on 1 coaching and lab testing you need to make the necessary lifestyle changes to support you through the perimenopause/menopause transition.

  • 1x 45 minute intake and introductory session* to get to know you, understand your goals and put you on a path to success
  • 6x 30 minute bi-weekly coaching calls*
  • 1x 30 minute breath coaching session*
  • 6 recorded educational modules
  • Worksheets and handouts to compliment the educational modules and support you in adjusting your lifestyle
  • Email support between sessions in case you get stuck
  • Weekly accountability check-ins
  • Lifetime access to all materials
  • 3 functional lab tests: GI-MAP stool test, HTMA minerals test, DUTCH Complete hormone test
  • 1x 90 minute results session*
  • 1x additional 30 minute coaching call*

*all sessions to be completed within 6 months

Plus Bonus Guides

Want to work with me?

Let's hop on a complimentary discovery call and chat!

This call is an opportunity for you to share your struggles with me so I can understand where you're at. I'll ask you a few questions and make sure that Hormone Harmony Method is the right fit for you. And if not, I'll recommend anything I can that may help you achieve your goals.


How much does it cost?

I have a couple different package options and I want to make sure, if you decide to sign up, you choose the package that is best aligned to you achieving your goals. We can discuss which option would be best for you and pricing for that option. This is an investment in YOU! I encourage you to consider what you’re missing out on or giving up by NOT investing in yourself at this time. 

How long before I see results?

It depends on where you are on your healing journey, how long you’ve been struggling, if you’re motivated and able to dedicate the time needed to improve your health. You may notice improvements as an early as a few weeks or it may take longer. In addition to declining hormones, your symptoms are likely impacted by years of accumulated stress and unsupportive lifestyle habits. It will take time for your body to adapt.

If you’re getting lab data, it can take 3-4 weeks to get the results back so your personalized plan may take some time to get started, that’s why you have more time in the program. But it doesn’t mean you can’t see progress with lifestyle changes you make in advance of receiving the lab results. 

You’ll also have the option to continue getting support beyond your time in the program. We’ll discuss that when you get close. 

How much time do I need to dedicate to this?

That will depend on you. Every 2 weeks you’ll have access to educational modules that includes video content ranging from 15-40 minutes, broken into chunks so they’re easy to digest, and a 30 minute coaching session.  You can download the app and listen to them on the go if that’s more convenient for you. You’ll want to set aside some time to  incorporate the new habits into your routine. I will work with you to make it as simple as possible and guide you to fit it into your schedule.